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  • Writer's pictureFrankie Calandra

5 Blogs That Inspire me

Blogs That Inspire My Brand Strategy

As a prospective advertising professional, I would like to center my blog site around the field. To gain some inspiration into what kinds of content I should have in my blog and what messages I should convey to my readers, I browsed other advertising-based websites. I have found many examples, but here are 5 that particularly stood out for me.

1. Adland -

This advertising site has been around since the mid 90’s and has been a prime example of a perfectly executed image-driven blog should be. Advertising is all about imagery and this site not only has a lot of it, but also contains information about current trends, campaigns, and the people behind their respective brands.

2. The Ad Contrarian -

Thoughtful, knowledgeable, and experienced, Bob Hoffman is somebody who knows what they are talking about. He has been the CEO of two independent ad agencies and an international agency. He has authored several books on the subject and has lectured around the world and has been interviewed by every news outlet. What I like about Bob are his thoughts on advertising news and how he uses good and bad examples in stating his case.

3. Seth’s Blog -

Another blogger who I like is Seth Godin. He primarily writes about publishing, digital marketing, and other marketing trends. His blogs usually consist of up to 300 words but his content is nonetheless interesting and witty.

Founded in 2004 by a copywriter named David Burn and marketing technologists Shawn Hartley, this is almost exactly what I would love my blog to become. The site gives insight into brand communication initiatives and shares interesting tidbits about the campaigns. As somebody who wants to become a copywriter, David Burn’s background and creation of this blog is inspiring.

5. Ad Age -

The website is a household name in the marketing and advertising community. It’s a great source for industry news and has many sections readers can search through. It’s also a great tool for advertisers to research agencies around the world.

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